Bubble Point Filter Integrity Test 

This course is designed to demonstrate how to properly perform a filter integrity test on a sterilizing filter for compounded sterile preparations.
Seth DePasquale, R.Ph., BCSCP · September 13, 2023

Course Objectives

  1. List 3 ways to sterilize a compounded preparation.
  2. Explain the difference between a terminal sterilization and sterilization by filtration.
  3. List the two nominal pore size filters used for sterilizing compounded preparations.
  4. Discuss the purpose of a filter integrity test and list which one is demonstrated in this lesson.

About Instructor

Seth DePasquale, R.Ph., BCSCP

Seth DePasquale is a Board Certified Sterile Compounding Pharmacist and former co-owner of BET Pharm, LLC in Lexington, KY; a compounding pharmacy specializing in long-acting injectable hormone formulations for equine reproduction. Seth's passion for compounding and teaching have combined when he co-founded LyceumCE.com; dedicated to increasing compliance and better practices through video-based continuing pharmacy education.

15 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson